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Guidelines for Applying for Medicare Subsidies to Kaohsiung Municipal United Hospital For further questions on social welfare, please feel free to contact the Social Work Office of the Hospital.

  Out-of-pocket ExpenseCOVID-19Test


Ø  Who can apply?


1.           Those who are in quarantine but due to an emergency situation, such as attend a relative’s funeral or must visit a relative ofkinship who is gravely ill.

2.           Those who have to travel to a foreign country due to emergency.

3.           Those who need it as required by an employer.

4.           Those conducting business travel.

5.           Students who intend tostudy abroad.

6.           Foreigners, people from China, Hong Kong, Macau who want toleave Taiwan.

7.           Family members of #6.

8.           Others permitted by the Central Epidemic Command Center.

9.           Others special reasons.



Ø  What is needed?


² Required Documents


1.      Application formfor a COVID 19 test
(Follow the link below:
https://www.kmuh.gov.tw/Page.aspx?+s5j9tZ8RbY= )

2.       Electronic airline tickets, certificate or record of booking tickets

3.       Passport


² Others:

             Work proof documents (employee ID,working visa, announcement from the company requiring the test, itinerary in Taiwan, etc.)

             Official passport, official related documents , etc.

             Study-relateddocuments (student ID, student visa, admission letter, etc.)

             Foreign passport ora permissionto enterTaiwan

             Household certificate orhousehold registration transcriptfor family members

             Permissions from the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, localHealth Bureau, etc.

             Others relateddocuments


Ø  Where to apply?


1.           Online registration and reservation are required for your visit. Please follow the link or the QR code below:

2.           On the scheduled date, visit the Emergency Room Counter before the test.





Ø  When are services available?


             Monday to Friday   
08:30-11:30 and 13:30-17:00 
( Only “General tests” are accepted after10:00.)


             Saturday and Sunday
08:30-11:30   ( Only “General tests” are accepted after10:00.)


Ø  How much is the test?


             General test: NT$3,500TWO working days

             Urgent test: NT$4,500ONE working day


The fees above include (i) registration fee and(ii) oneEnglish report + one Chinese report.



Ø  Picking up the report


²  Location

The Emergency Room Counter


²  Required documents

             The ID card is required when the testee picks up the report in person.

             When an appointed agent comes on behalf of the testee, the agent needs to show
(i) the testee’s ID card (the original copy)
(ii) the testee’s authorization letter


²  Pick-up time

             General test:
after 10 a.m. onthe NEXT day (without notice)

             Urgent test:
On the test day (time to be informed by thelab)






Ifyou have further concerns, pleaseconsult the Emergency RoomCounter beforethe test.








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Kaohsiung Municipal United Hospital (KMUH) No.976, Jhonghua 1st Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City 80457, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Speech Telephone Registration:(07)553-3522 Open 24 hours  Artificial Telephone Registration:555-2565 ext.2202
Open hours: 24HR
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